My Journey
My personal journey of immense healing began when, in my 30s, my world turned upside down when my first marriage ended. Our children were only 4 and 1 and my heart was in a million pieces. If my life was a forest, the largest tree had fallen leaving nothing but devastation and ugliness on the ground. I sunk into a deep depression.
From this dark place, through the years, I dropped further into grief for the loss of life and suffering on Earth, for the cruel mass extinction we are a part of, and for our children’s very uncertain futures. I grieved for my own children and for the children I taught in my job as a teacher. I grieved for overseas victims of war and climate change. I couldn’t read a newspaper article without weeping and weeping. I yearned for healing for the world. But I knew that first I had to begin to heal myself.
With the strong urge and calling to heal, healing came to me through dancing, coaching, therapy and deep nature connection. I slowly unfurled like a fern. I began to focus on what offerings I could bring to the world’s healing process. I embarked on several years of training in coaching, facilitation and healing methods, whilst keeping self-care and family-care as the core of my life. I left my career as a primary school teacher to focus on quality time with my three children and, when time allows, continue to pursue my calling as a healer and a discoverer of the endless creative powers of Life.
Healthy forests are constantly regenerating, fallen trees allowing in light for new and diverse growth. There will be fallen trees in all our lives, small and big, but if we have fostered health and resilience in easy times, light will pour in and beautiful new saplings will emerge.